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how to use hunting/shooting optical rifle scopes ?
Optical sight is a large class of crosshairs, to think in hunting through the use of sight and rewarding, we must first clear optical aiming mirror the composition and method of use what each.
Using method
[1] rate adjustment, change times sight in the superscript eyepiece barrel with scale, with 2-6 times, usually marked the location of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 of these rate, rotating the eyepiece triangulated graph scale positioning alignment corresponding digital scale, but objects at different distances in some rate will blurred vision, so it is not must be triangulation scale accurate calibration in the figures, as long as the thing clearly can.
[2] adjust the knob, is located in the top of the distance compensation knob, located on the right side of the wind deflection knob.
Knob on top of have an arrow marked with "up", is along the arrow direction of rotation impact will be to move, such as five shots, impact point were in the center of the bottom of the cross, you can toward the "up" direction of rotation, and constantly adjust this shot again impact will gradually and cross line horizontal center line of coincidence.
An arrow marked with an "L" along the arrow direction of rotation, the impact will be to make a correction to the left, the same as 5 a group shot, impact partial cross the center line on the right side can rotate to the "L" in the direction of the knob to the right, this impact will gradually cross line vertical line direction to move closer.

Knowing the composition and the use of the optical lens, we are able to use the sight of the target, and get rich prey.

For anything not be clear,please feel free contact us :(email )

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